Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hammer Endurolyte to the rescue for leg pain

It's been a split from the routine. I've dropped to 200 ft altitude from 5,000 or 6000 feet in Utah; the air is sweet! My parents are both over 70 years old and have been struggling with leg pain. I gave my mom 2 Hammer Endurolyte capsules to see if it would help. It turns out it did! My mom experienced such dramatic pain relief that she started sleeping seated at her chair. My dad took a couple to see if it would help him too. He also felt much better. They were interested in what else I used so I mixed a batch of Hammer Recoverite for them to sample. They both noticed additional pain relief and boosted energy levels. Mom was so impressed after using up half a bottle, she placed an order for her own supply of product!

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