Monday, September 1, 2014

Born to Run

I read Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. I enjoyed the story and the message gave me a lot to think about. I decided to test the claims about barefoot running. I started out by walking on concrete, grass and sand each day for at least an hour. My feet were sore after short walks and I carried shoes with me to make sure I could comfortably walk home. I was pleased with how the ground felt under my feet; the changes in temperature, from cold to warm to soft, and a variety of textures. It was sometimes somewhat sensual. As the weeks passed I noticed the ground didn't seem so full of sharp rocks and sometimes I enjoyed pounding the pavement. My feet itched to get out and feel the earth. I enjoyed increased agility to turn and noticed how my toes provided increased feedback to navigate quickly around obstables.

I found that my ankles have become stronger and I don't get plantar faciallitis.

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